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Why choosing the right Screening Provider is very important for your organisation.

Why choosing the right Screening Provider is very important for your organisation.

Why choosing the right Screening Provider is very important for your organisation.

Choosing a background-screening provider is an important step when it comes to hiring a new candidate for a job. There are a lot of factors to be kept in mind while partnering with a vendor, not only because it might be a bad decision to hire a certain candidate without a thorough, and correct background check, but it might come back to haunt the employers, both financially and legally.

Therefore, employers need to find a screening provider that can generate accurate and speedy background check s without putting the organisation at risk in any way.

  1. Experience & Expertise:
    The first step in choosing a screening provider should be to check the experience and expertise of the background verification company. Often times, when companies choose an agency for employee verification, the smaller agencies find it difficult to handle a larger number of employees, to verify the credentials of candidates’ from around the country and beyond.

    Employee Crossings, with its huge experience and a pan India network, has always excelled in providing authentic, time bound verification check to its clientele, a prestigious list that consists of companies in various industries across the nation.

  2. Network & Connectivity for a thorough verification:
    Screening providers need to have a great network around the country, in order to get the candidates’ past employments, educational qualifications and more, verified quickly as per the company’s necessity.

    Employee Crossings, over the last 10 years since its establishment, has built up an extensive network for quick & accurate delivery. This has enabled us to create a niche for ourselves in the industry, challenging the turn around time that previously existed and providing a time bound results to the clients.

  3. Ensuring Compliance & Confidentiality:
    Background verification is an industry that handles sensitive data of the employees. It is important for the screening companies to ensure that this data is protected and used only for the verification purpose, that it doesn’t get misused. The screening provider must be able to provide the company guaranteed confidentiality. It is very important as, in the case of any discrepancy, all three parties involved including the employee, the company and the screening provider would be affected.

    Employee Crossings has always guaranteed confidentiality to its clients, making the background verification checks in the most discrete and fair manner. This helped us gain the trust of the wide list of companies that we serve or have served in the last decade.

Hiring is a tedious and time consuming process and it is only wise to consider and invest in a thorough screening process by a screening provider that is both skilful and compliant, than to be caught up in a battle, legal or otherwise, later.

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